Business News

Delmarva Chicken Association scholarship forms due March 28

todayDecember 31, 2024 13

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Delmarva Chicken Association has opened the application period for its 2025 college scholarship program.

Applications are being accepted for undergraduate scholarships of $2,000 and graduate-degree scholarships of $3,000. DCA must receive complete applications for these scholarships no later than 4:30 p.m., Friday, March 28.

The association’s annual college scholarship golf tournament supports these awards. This year’s tournament raised more than $19,000 for the fund. Since 1985, the association has awarded more than $222,000 in scholarships.

“It’s an exciting time to be preparing for a career in the chicken community,” said Holly Porter, DCA executive director. “More than 18,000 jobs on Delmarva are directly tied to our chicken companies, and thousands more jobs are supported by the chicken economy. We’re excited to be able to help students start journeys toward their careers each year through these scholarships.”

Career opportunities in the chicken industry extend far beyond jobs in processing plants or on farms. Students majoring in accounting, engineering, marketing, veterinary science, nutrition, genetics, chemistry, environmental science, computer science and many other areas of study will find their skills in demand in a chicken career.

For more information or to apply, go to

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