Radio Rehoboth
Title: Executive Director
Workplace: The Ministry of Caring, Inc.
Alma Maters: St. Joseph’s University, Villanova University, University of Delaware, Goldey-Beacom College
Board: The Pavilion (Bronx, N.Y.)
Q&A: Favorite thing about Delaware? “It’s a small state with a big heart.”
As head of The Ministry of Caring, Brother Ronald Giannone oversees the nonprofits operations as well as those of its five sponsored organizations, which include Mother Teresa House, Sacred Heart Village I and II, Sacred Heart Housing and the Village of St. John, all located in Wilmington. Giannone is a Capuchin Franciscan friar, making him part of an 800-plus-year-old religious order that works for the poor in imitation of its founder St. Francis of Assisi. He has served as the ministry’s executive director since 1977, after spending time serving the poor and hungry in New York, Indiana and New Jersey.
Written by: Guest Writer
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