
2321 Results / Page 256 of 258



Mills, Gossett, Preston take seats in Rehoboth Beach

, , , Rehoboth Beach held its organizational meeting Sept. 15, which featured the swearing-in of Mayor Stan Mills, incumbent Commissioner Patrick Gossett and new Commissioner Donald Preston. Each term is for three years. For about 24 hours after the filing deadline in early June, it looked like there was going to be an election, but then former Commissioner Jay Lagree announced he had changed his mind and would not […]

todaySeptember 19, 2023 4


Survey reveals strong support for tree protection

Nearly 2,500 Sussex County residents responding to a survey on trees overwhelmingly support additional regulations to protect forests and woodlands from encroachment by development, according to Sussex Preservation Coalition. President Jane Gruenebaum said 99% of the respondents said Sussex County government must establish standards and requirements for the protection of forests and woodlands. Currently, Sussex County is the only surrounding jurisdiction in Delaware and Maryland without such protections. The coalition […]

todaySeptember 19, 2023 10


News Briefs 9/19/23

Sept. 21 workshop is for Sussex County staff and officials Sussex County Council and Sussex County Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a workshop at 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 21, at the county's emergency operations center, 21911 Rudder Lane, Georgetown. Chip Guy, county communications director, said the workshop will be a chance for staff and officials to get information and discuss possible code changes in the weeks and months ahead. […]

todaySeptember 19, 2023 14


Cape leaders call on county to enact assessment fee

On the day the governor signed the bill into law, the Cape school board unanimously approved a resolution calling upon Sussex County Council to enact a voluntary school assessment to address the impact of residential development on school capacity.  At the Sept. 14 school board meeting, Cape Director of Finance Oliver Gumbs said Gov. John Carney signed Senate Bill 186, which had passed the General Assembly June 30.  “This is […]

todaySeptember 19, 2023 4


Coalition offers quick course on Sussex government

, , , , , The Sussex Preservation Coalition offered a Sussex County government education program during its Sept. 12 meeting at Delaware State Police Troop 7 near Lewes. Irwin “I.G.” Burton, a former county councilman for four years and planning & zoning commissioner for 11 years, and Kim Hoey Stevenson, who served as a planning & zoning commissioner for six years, answered questions about how council and the commission […]

todaySeptember 19, 2023 17


Work begins on Route 1, Holland Glade Road traffic light

, , A new traffic signal will soon be added to the intersection of Route 1 and Holland Glade Road near the Tanger Outlets outside Rehoboth Beach. Currently, Holland Glade Road ends at Route 1, with no southbound access. When complete, motorists on Holland Glade Road will be able to cross the northbound lanes to drive south. There will be left, through and right turn lanes on all four legs of […]

todaySeptember 18, 2023 8


Renovations begin at Beebe’s historic Shaw Building

The historic Shaw Building at Beebe Healthcare is undergoing an exterior renovation. Work includes the roof, windows, some doors and more. Beebe spokesman Ryan Marshall said the project coincides with the residency program moving into the Shaw Building. The structure will still be called the Shaw Building, but inside is now the R. Randall Rollins Center for Medical Education, where residents and medical students are trained/educated. It’s fully funded through […]

todaySeptember 18, 2023 5


Milton Fire Department shows off new truck

, , , , , Milton Fire Department has put into service the newest addition to its fleet: Engine 85-3. The $636,000 truck was custom built by Florida-based fire truck manufacturer Pierce Manufacturing and is what is known as a pumper truck. A better way to think of it, Fire Chief Johnny Hopkins said, is the truck is made to battle structural fires. Engine 85-3 will be replacing Engine 85-5, […]

todaySeptember 18, 2023 4